Praxis of ORL: 12 (1)
Volume: 12  Issue: 1 (2024)
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Red blood cell distribution width may predict the prognosis of vestibular neuritis
Pages 1 - 7
Ayça Başkadem Yılmazer, Esmail Abdulahi Ahmed, Ayse Enise Goker, Avni Akin Bayram, Hasan Sami Bircan, Yavuz Uyar
[Abstract] [Full Text] [CrossRef]  (Article In English) (524 accesses)

Harmonic scalpel versus conventional hemostasis: Impacts on thyroid surgery outcomes
Pages 8 - 14
Yaşar Kemal Duymaz, Ahmet Adnan Cırık, Büşra Balcıoğlu, Şamil Şahin, Burak Erkmen
[Abstract] [Full Text] [CrossRef]  (Article In English) (343 accesses)

The effect of nasal septal deviation on the volumes of the paranasal sinuses
Pages 15 - 22
Zülküf Burak Erdur, Hakkı Caner İnan
[Abstract] [Full Text] [CrossRef]  (Article In English) (266 accesses)

Is the relationship between SNOT-22 and NOSE and mucociliary clearance time an appropriate assessment method for functional outcomes of septorhinoplasty?
Pages 23 - 29
Kasım Durmuş, Adem Bora, Merve Çiftçi, Sümeyye Gencer, Emine Elif Altuntaş
[Abstract] [Full Text] [CrossRef]  (Article In Turkish) (399 accesses)

Relationship between vitamin D levels and inflammation in patients with recurrent tonsillitis and hypertrophic tonsil
Pages 30 - 36
İhsan Delioğlu, Emrah Sapmaz, Zeliha Cansel Özmen
[Abstract] [Full Text] [CrossRef]  (Article In Turkish) (350 accesses)

The effects of screen time on balance in adolescents
Pages 37 - 43
Zehra Aydoğan, Kübra Binay Bolat, Emre Ocak, Suna Tokgöz Yılmaz
[Abstract] [Full Text] [CrossRef]  (Article In English) (497 accesses)

A rare cause of neck swelling: Spontaneous bleeding of the bronchogenic cyst
Pages 44 - 46
Yeşim Esen Yiğit, Yaşar Kemal Duymaz, Ahmet Adnan Cırık, Büşra Balcıoğlu, Halil Çiftçi
[Abstract] [Full Text] [CrossRef]  (Article In English) (344 accesses)

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